The War Within Tailoring Specialization Guide and Builds

This guide is designed to help you explore the various Tailoring specializations in War Within, ensuring you get the most out of your Tailoring experience.

I'll walk you through each specialization, suggesting the best ways to allocate your points and pointing out which paths might be less beneficial. By the end, you'll have a solid foundation to begin crafting your own build.

Tailoring Specializations

War Within introduces four new Tailoring specializations, unlocked at levels 25, 50, 60 and 75. Each one offers unique perks that can significantly impact how you approach Tailoring.

Here's a quick look at the four main Tailoring specializations. Each one hones in on a specific aspect of Tailoring

1. Threads of Devotion

This is the basic gear tree, and it's very similar to the one from Dragonflight. It's important for anything to do with crafting gear. Whether you want to sell embellished or unembellished gear, you'll need to put points into this tree.

2. From Dawn Until Dusk

This specialization is where you'll learn the two daily Tailoring cooldowns: Dawnweave Bolt and Duskweave Bolt. By focusing on one of the sub-specializations, you'll also unlock the ability to loot Duskweave or Dawnweave from humanoids.

Investing points into the center node will teach you two new bag recipes:

Each of the two sub-specializations will also teach you two Embellished recipes and one recipe with a unique effect.



3. Quality Fabric

This specialization is quite important for Tailors, although it might not be worth picking for everyone. War Within introduces two major changes that will likely alter how players approach tailoring. The first is that cloth will only drop for tailors, and the second significant change is that cloths now come with quality levels, similar to Herbs and Ores. The only way to get Quality 3 (Q3) cloth is by investing points into Quality Fabric (30). Otherwise, you'll only receive Q1 cloth.

This specialization also focuses on getting higher quality cloth from Unraveling and crafting higher quality bolts, reagents, and leg enchants.

This is the list of recipes that you can learn from this specialization:

4. Textile Treasures

This specialization focuses on gathering more cloth from mobs and boosting your Ingenuity, Resourcefulness, or Multicraft. It also enhances your Ingenuity to refund more Concentration, up to a maximum of 100%.

Basically, this is the specialization you'd start investing in after you've already built a solid foundation in the other specializations. It allows you to optimize your build even further. I'd recommend putting points here only after you've spent some points in the other specialization.

Max Quality and Concentration

Before diving into how to spend your knowledge points, it's important to understand the role of Concentration, so you understand why I believe it's important to specialize in one recipe and prioritize boosting your Tailoring skill first.

Concentration lets you craft an item at a quality one tier higher than your base skill would normally allow. The amount of Concentration required depends on how much skill you're missing, but there is always a minimum amount of Concentration that you have to spend.

For instance, even if you're only short by 1 skill point, you'd still need around 150-300 Concentration to craft max rank item (depends on if it's gear or consumable). Since Concentration regenerates at about 240 points daily, you're limited to crafting 1-2 item per day at max quality until you max out your build. (unless you get lucky with Ingenuity procs).

Dedicated Crafters

If crafting is your main focus, aim to master at least one recipe to the point where you don't need to use Concentration. This will allow you to craft more efficiently and handle larger orders without waiting for cooldowns.

Casual Crafters

If crafting is more of a leisurely activity for you and you're not planning to produce large quantities, it's okay to diversify and learn a variety of recipes. However, even for casual crafters, starting with a strong foundation in one area is generally more effective before expanding into others.

Crafting Orders

One important thing to keep in mind is that all high-end gear crafted through Tailoring is Bind on Pickup (BoP).

Unfortunately, public crafting orders haven't gained much popularity among players in Dragonflight, and I don't expect this to change in The War Within. Many players prefer guild or personal crafting orders for better control over item quality. The unpredictability of public orders deters players from using this system, resulting in very few available public orders.

This means that if you want to craft gear for others and not just for yourself, you'll need to use the Personal Crafting Order system. This involves interacting with other players through the trade channel.

Choosing a Specialization Build

Below are a few sample builds tailored to common playstyles. Pick the one that fits your playstyle best, and feel free to tweak it to suit your needs.

The numbers below aren't a ranking of how good each build is; they're just there to help you navigate the guide more easily.

1. Crafting Cloth Armor

This build focuses on maximizing your skill in crafting high-quality cloth armor. It's ideal for tailors who want to craft armor for themselves or their alts, or if you plan to fulfill Crafting Orders for others.

2. Daily CD and Embellished Gear

This build is all about the daily CDs and crafting Embellished gear. It's perfect for players who want to consistently produce Dawnweave and Duskweave Bolts, unlock bag recipes and craft gear with unique bonuses.

3. Farming Cloth

This build is designed for players who want to maximize cloth drops from humanoids. It focuses on specializations that increase cloth yield from mobs and optimize your overall farming efficiency.

Build 1: Crafting Cloth Armor

This build focuses on maximizing your skill in crafting high-quality cloth armor. It's ideal for tailors who want to craft armor for themselves or their alts, or if you plan to fulfill Crafting Orders for others.

Choosing an armor Slot

First, decide which armor slots you want to focus on. Each sub-specialization tree will teach you an epic armor recipe for its specific slot. There are three main sub-specializations, each branching out into 2-4 different armor slot.

  • Weathering Wear (Left) : Hands, Feet, Head, Back
  • Weighted Garments (Middle) : Chest, Leg
  • Making a Statement (Right) : Shoulder, Wrists, Waist

You can't really go wrong with any sub-specialization, but some of them have unique benefits that might help you choose where to focus first.

Profession Accessories

There's no specific tree in tailoring for Profession Accessories; you gain extra skill points for them from the armor slot they occupy. This could be a factor in deciding which slot you want to focus on, as you'll be hitting two birds with one stone. You'll get extra skill points for both armor and Profession Accessories in the Head and Chest slots. Below, you'll find the full list of Profession Accessories you can craft.

Item Slot Profession
Artisan Fishing Cap Head Fishing
Artisan Chef's Hat Head Cooking
Artisan Gardening HatHead Herbalism
Artisan Enchanter's Hat Head Enchanting
Artisan Alchemist's Robe Chest Alchemy
Artisan Tailor's Coat Chest Tailoring

Example Cloth Crafting Build

Once you've chosen the armor slot you want to focus on, the build becomes very straightforward. To achieve maximum skill for a specific armor slot, you simply need to max out everything that leads to that category. There are no hidden skill points in other specializations.

Let's say you wanted to focus on crafting Head armor; your build would look like this:

  1. Threads of Devotion (30) - This will unlock all sub-specializations and teach you three new recipes. It also allows you to use optional reagents in every armor slot, which is a big advantage for fulfilling Patron Crafting Orders, as optional reagents are often required to complete them.
  2. Learn the Sub-Specializations - Once Threads of Devotion is maxed, learn the three sub-specializations. Then, pick three slots you prefer.
  3. Hats - Since you're focusing on the Head slot, make sure to choose the sub-specialization to learn the recipe. You'll eventually learn all the recipes in the sub-specialization, so you're not limited to just one.
  4. Weathering Wear (30) - Max out the sub-specialization that contains your chosen armor slot. In this example, it's Weathering Wear. This will teach you more recipes and grant skill points to all of them.

Crafting Gear for Personal Use or Personal Crafting Orders

At this stage, you have two different paths to choose from based on your goals:

Crafting Gear for Personal Use

If your goal is to craft gear at max quality for yourself or your alts, and you're not planning on crafting a large number of items, you can already achieve this. By using Concentration and Q3 materials, and assuming you have some profession equipment and have leveled Tailoring close to 100, you're set.

Personal Crafting Orders

If you aim to fulfill personal crafting orders, your goal should be to reach a point where you can craft a maximum quality piece of gear without using Concentration.

To achieve maximum skill for a specific item, you'll need to:

  • Level Tailoring to 100.
  • Max out everything that leads to that specialization category.
  • Equip all three blue profession tools.

Spending the rest of your points

From here, you can branch into other sub-specializations to learn recipes for every slot or start investing points into other specializations. You can also pick another build in the guide and start exploring different directions.

For most players, the best option is to go for the Daily CD build and start investing points into the From Dawn Until Dusk specialization to get some passive income. For the more dedicated crafters, it might be better to focus on the Textile Treasures specialization to further optimize your build.

Build 2: Daily CD and Embellished Gear

This build is all about the daily CDs and crafting Embellished gear. It's perfect for players who want to consistently produce Dawnweave and Duskweave Bolts, unlock bag recipes and craft gear with unique bonuses.

Duskweave or Dawnweave?

First, decide whether to follow the Duskweave or Dawnweave path. To help with this decision, I've put together a list of all the recipes available from each specialization. This should make it easier to choose the path that best fits your goals.

Overall, there isn't a huge difference between the two, unless one leg enchant becomes significantly more popular than the other.

Dawnweave Duskweave

Build Example for the first 90 points

Here's an example build for choosing the Duskweave route. If you decide to go with Dawnweave instead, just mirror these steps—the process is exactly the same for both.

This build is pretty flexible. For example, if you want to get the bag recipes sooner, you could start with the center node. However, I think lowering the cooldown on your main bolt is a better move to start with.

  1. Duskweave Tailoring (20 points) - This unlocks the next sub-specialization and teaches you the leg enchant recipe, which is great for leveling. I recommend picking it up early.
  2. Duskweaving (20 points) - Maxing this out reduces the cooldown of the Duskweave Bolt from 17 hours to 8.5 hours.
  3. Duskweave Tailoring (+10 points) - Invest ten more points to max out the sub-specialization. This unlocks the final armor recipe.
  4. From Dawn Until Dusk (30 points) - Finally, invest 30 more points in the center node to unlock the bag recipes and your second cooldown.

Different Paths to Take

At this point, I think there are two worthwhile paths you can pursue:

1. Higher Quality Bolts

With 90 points invested in the specialization, you should have enough skill points to craft maximum quality gear using Concentration and Q3 materials. This uses a lot of Concentration, but if you're crafting gear just for yourself, that's not a problem.

You can then focus on reaching a point where you can craft higher-quality bolts with less Concentration, eventually aiming to craft them without needing any Concentration at all. Producing more Q3 bolts will help you generate passive gold more efficiently.

2. Personal Crafting Orders for Embellished Gear

This path is all about getting to the point where you can craft Embellished gear without using concentration, allowing you to fulfill a large number of crafting orders.

1. Higher Quality Bolts 2. Personal Crafting Orders
  1. Quality Fabric (30)
  2. Weaving and Unraveling (30).
  3. Now you can either go back and max out the other bolt type to increase your chances of getting more Q3 bolts, or you can start investing points into Textile Treasures to further optimize your build.

Fortunately, both gear slots are in the same category, so your build would look like this:

  1. Threads of Devotion (30)
  2. Weathering Wear (30)
  3. Gloves (30) and Footwear (30)

After this you can focus on other armors, or invest points into Textile Treasures to further optimize your build.

Build 3: Farming Cloth

Unlike past expansions, only Tailors can gather cloth in War Within, including both low-end and high-end cloth. This build is all about maximizing your cloth farming efficiency.

Keep in mind that cloth prices usually drop significantly after the first few weeks. This happens because, in the past, everyone got cloth drops, and also due to bots and 2x4 farming groups. While prices will be higher at the start, they might still fall sooner than other materials, especially if these farming groups level up their Tailors. To make the most out of this build, focus on farming early in the expansion.

If you rarely engage in content that drops cloth, this build might not be for you.

Example Build

Here's how to invest your Knowledge Points to get the most out of farming cloth:

  1. Quality Fabric (30) - Start by unlocking the ability to loot Q3 cloths.
  2. If you haven't already, level Tailoring until you can learn the From Dawn Until Dusk specialization.
  3. Pick Duskweave Tailoring or Dawnweave Tailoring - This will allow you to gather Duskweave or Dawnweave from humanoids.
  4. Textile Treasures (30) - Invest here to get more cloth from humanoids.
  5. From Dawn Until Dusk (30) - Finally, unlock the other sub-specialization to get both types of cloth drops.

Your farming build is now complete. You can spend your points as you wish or follow another build in the guide. I recommend following the 2nd build since you've already invested points in related specializations, which will help you generate even more gold passively.