Engineering Leveling Guide 1 - 300 for Gnomes [Retail]

This Gnome Engineering guide will show you the least expensive way to level your Gnome's engineering from 1 to 300.

Often the materials are based on a case that you will gain one skill point each craft. This won't always happen, so you will have to buy a few extra materials.

What is so special about +15 Engineering?

Your gnome's racial not only gives you a 15 point head start, but also makes recipes stay orange for 15 points longer, allows you to skip recipes, and dodge dry spells. Additionally, you save money by not only needing fewer materials to get to 300 altogether, but less expensive ones too!

Approximate Materials Required:

  • 30 x Rough Stone
  • 20 x Copper Bar
  • 25 x Coarse Stone
  • 69 x Bronze Bar = 35 Copper Bar + 35 Tin Bar
  • 25 x Heavy Stones
  • 15 x Nightcrawlers
  • 20 x Iron Bar
  • 4 x Steel Bar
  • 80 x Solid Stone
  • 80 x Mithril Bar
  • 20 x Mageweave Cloth
  • 40 x Dense Stone
  • 105 x Thorium Bar
  • 25 x Runecloth

Gnome Engineering Leveling Guide

First, visit any trainer in the main cities of old Azeroth - just ask a guard, and learn Apprentice Engineering.

Buy a Blacksmith Hammer from the Blacksmith supply vendor. It's near your trainer.

16 – 75

75 – 150

  • 100-126
    13 x [Clockwork Box] - 39 Bronze Bar

    Use the boxes you make. You will get one extra skill points per craft.

    Note: This item is supposed to give skill points on disassembly, but it's currently bugged. You should try to disassemble one and write an e-mail to me if it has been fixed.

    If it has been fixed, then make 13 of these and then disassemble those to reach 125. If not, then you should make [Coarse Dynamite] and [Bronze Tube] instead.

150 – 225

  • 176-200
    40 x [Solid Blasting Powder] - 80 Solid Stone

    You may go as far as 210 making these. Keep all 40. 
  • 200-220
    20 x [Unstable Triggers] - 20 Mithril Bar, 20 Mageweave Cloth, 20 Solid Blasting Powder

    Keep 10 of these.

220 – 300


  • 220-240
    20 x [Mithril Casings] - 60 Mithril Bar Yellow at the last 10 points.

    Keep these.
  • 240-250
    10 x [Hi-Explosive Bomb] - 20 Mithril Casing, 10 Unstable Trigger, 20 Solid Blasting Powder

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