Alchemy Leveling Guide 1 - 300 for Goblins

This Goblin Alchemy leveling guide will show you the least expensive way to level your Goblin's alchemy from 1 to 300. Alchemy is the best combined with Herbalism, with these two professions you can save a lot of gold and you can sell the potions/elixirs at the Auction House. 

Often the materials are based on a case that you will gain one skill point each craft. This won't happen, so you will have to buy a few extra materials while you are leveling your Alchemy.


Approximate Materials Required:

59 x Peacebloom
59 x Silverleaf
80 x Briarthorn
45 x Bruiseweed
70 x Liferoot
35 x Kingsblood
35 x Stranglekelp
20 x Sungrass
45 x Khadgar's Whisker
25 x Blindweed
60 x Sorrowmoss
30 x Dreamfoil


Goblin Alchemy Leveling Guide

First, visit any trainer in the main cities of old Azeroth - just ask a guard, and learn Apprentice Alchemy.

You can find Vials at "Alchemy Supplies" vendors, they are usually near the Alchemy trainer.

Your goblin's racial not only gives you a 15 point head start, but also makes recipes stay orange for 15 points longer, allows you to skip recipes.

  • 75-110
    35 x [Lesser Healing Potion] - 35 Minor Healing Potion, 35 Briarthorn

    This recipe will be yellow for the last 10 points, but I did it without needing extra mats.
  • 110-155
    45 x [Healing Potion] - 45 Bruiseweed, 45 Briarthorn

    Yellow for the last 5 points.

155 – 225

225 – 300

  • 225-245
    20 x [Superior Healing Potion] - 20 Sungrass, 20 Khadgar's Whisker

    If Sungrass is harder to get a hold of than Blindweed, you can stop making Superior Healing Potions at 235 and start the next step right away. This will cost an additional 15 Blindweed (in place of 15 Sungrass).

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