This Cataclysm Tailoring leveling guide will show you the fastest way how to level your Cataclysm Tailoring skill up from 1 to 75 as inexpensively as possible.
Often the materials are based on a case that you will gain one skill point each craft. This won't happen, so you will have to buy a few extra materials while you are leveling your Cataclysm Tailoring.
Cataclysm Tailoring Trainers
You can learn Cataclysm Tailoring from one of these trainers below.
- Horde: Find Leyweaver Aurielle at Orgrimmar.
- Alliance: Find Georgio Bolero at Stormwind.
Bandage recipes
The recipes used in this guide are not taught by the tailoring trainers, you have to find a different trainer who will teach you the bandage recipes.
- Horde: Find Mender Jessara and learn
[Embersilk Bandage] (she is the NPC right next to the Tailoring Trainer)
- Alliance: Find Angela Leifeld and learn
[Embersilk Bandage].
Leveling Tailoring
Check out my Embersilk Cloth farming guide if you want to farm Embersilk Cloth.
1 - 25
- 25 x
[Embersilk Bandage] - 25 Embersilk Cloth
25 - 75
- 80 x
[Heavy Embersilk Bandage] - 160 Embersilk Cloth
The recipe will be green for the last few points, so it's possible you don't have to make 80, but it's also possible that you might have to make a lot more if you are unlucky with the skill gains.
I hope you liked this Cataclysm Tailoring leveling guide, congratulations on reaching 75!