This Legion Inscription leveling guide will show you the fastest way how to level your Legion Inscription skill up from 1 to 100 as inexpensively as possible.
Inscription is the best combined with Herbalism because you can save a lot of gold by farming the needed herbs, so check out my Herbalism leveling guide if you want to level Herbalism.
Legion Inscription Trainer
You can find the Legion Inscription Trainer Professor Pallin at Dalaran (Broken Isle). If you are having trouble finding him, you can just walk up to a guard in the city, and ask the guard where the Inscription trainer is.
He won't teach you Legion Inscription until you sign his contract. So, pick up the quest Sign This from him, then sign the contract by right-clicking on the
Unsigned Contract in your inventory. The quest reward is
Legion Scribe.
Milling Legion herbs
You can get Sallow Pigment, and
Roseate Pigment from milling any Legion herb.
Herb |
5 x ![]() |
5% chance to get 1 | 1 |
5 x ![]() |
22% chance to get 1 | 2-3 |
5 x ![]() |
22% chance to get 1, and there is a chance to get a ![]() |
2-3 |
5 x ![]() |
22% chance to get 1 | 2-3 |
5 x ![]() |
22% chance to get 1 | 2-3 |
5 x ![]() |
22% chance to get 1 | 2-3 |
5 x ![]() |
22% chance to get 1 | 4-6 |
5 x ![]() |
Always drop 8-13. | 2-3 |
Mass Milling Techniques
You can mill 20 herbs at once instead of 5 with Mass Milling recipes.
To unlock Mass Milling for legion herbs, pick up the quest Mass Milling Techniques from Professor Pallin.
Complete the quest by following these steps:
- Use the book on the right.
- Use the book in the left corner.
- Use the book on the left, near the green inks.
- Use Ladder next to the wall in the back of the room.
The reward is Mass Mill Yseralline Seeds recipe.
For all other herbs, you need to mill each herb manually AFTER COMPLETING THIS QUEST. From that, there is a random chance to drop a separate quest for those (You should get it after milling 100-200 herbs). The only exception is Astral Glory, because you can buy the recipe
Technique: Mass Mill Astral Glory from Toraan the Revered if you have a Friendly reputation with the Argussian Reach faction.
Approximate materials required
You will need around 200 x Sallow Pigment, and 900 x
Roseate Pigment.
Since you get more Sallow Pigment from
Dreamleaf and
Felwort (see milling table above) there is a difference in how many herbs you have to mill depending on which herb you can buy from the Auction House.
- You will need to mill around 4500 herbs if you only mill Aethril, Fjarnskaggl, Astral Glory, Foxflower, Starlight Rose.
- If you are milling
Dreamleaf, then you will only need around 2000 because you get twice as many
Sallow Pigment after opening up all the
Nightmare Pods.
- Milling
Felwort gives a lot more Shallow Pigment than normal herbs, so you will only need to mill around 100. But you won't get as many
Roseate Pigment, so you will have to buy them from the Auction House.
Leveling Legion Inscription
Nightborne characters have +15 Inscription skill because of their passive Ancient History. An extra 15 Inscription skill means recipes stay orange for 15 more points. You can save a lot of gold by doing lower level recipes for 15 more points.
1 - 25
Simply manually milling around 400 Legion herbs should get you to 25.
DO NOT USE MASS MILL YET, IT WON'T GIVE YOU SKILL POINTS! Only use mass mill after you reached 25.
If you are buying the pigments from the auction house, then you have to buy an extra 20-25 Sallow Pigment, and start making the next recipe.
25 - 40
Look for a scroll behind your trainer on the counter in the back of The Scribes Sacellum in Dalaran and loot Technique: Tome of the Tranquil Mind from it. (it's near the small blue rug with a chair on it).
- 20 x
Tome of the Tranquil Mind - 20 x
Sallow Pigment
This recipe will be yellow between 25-40, so you might have to make more. If you don't have enough Light Parchment, you can buy it from the Pandaren vendor behind the trainer.
40 - 100
You have to get one of the Nighthold Rank 3 Vantus rune recipe, there is no other good alternative. Higher rank recipes allow you to craft an item for fewer materials, and they stay orange for a lot longer (grants guaranteed skill-ups).
- 60 x [Any of the listed Rank 3 Vantus Runes below] - 180 x
Sallow Pigment, 900 x
Roseate Pigment
You could also try to make Glyphs up to 70, but Glyph recipes are green between 45-70, so you would have to make a lot, but at least you can sell some of those.
Rank 1 and 2 Vantus Runes
You basically have to kill a boss twice. Kill one at "Raid Finder" difficulty, learn the rank 1 recipe, then kill the same boss again on Normal. (or wait a week for another Raid Finder kill, but most classes at level 50 can solo the bosses on Normal difficulty)
You can queue to Legion Raid Finder instances from Archmage Timear at Dalaran (Broken Isles). Queue for Arcing Aqueducts if you want to kill the first boss Skorpyron.
Then right-click on your portrait, and set the Raid Difficulty to normal, and enter Nighthold. Here is a video on where the Nighthold entrance is located. Don't forget to learn the Rank 1 recipe before you kill the boss again in Normal!
Rank 3 Vantus Runes
Vantus Rune Technique: Star Augur Etraeus - Sold by Marin Bladewing - Requires The Wardens Revered
Vantus Rune Technique: Spellblade Aluriel - Sold by Marin Bladewing - Requires The Wardens Revered
Vantus Rune Technique: Trilliax - Sold by Veridis Fallon - Requires Court of Farondis Revered.
Vantus Rune Technique: Skorpyron - Sold by Veridis Fallon - Requires Court of Farondis Revered.
Vantus Rune Technique: Krosus - Sold by Veridis Fallon - Requires Court of Farondis Revered.
Vantus Rune Technique: High Botanist Tel'arn - Sold by Veridis Fallon - Requires Court of Farondis Revered.
Vantus Rune Technique: Grand Magistrix Elisande - Chance to drop when looting Archaeology fragments. (low chance)
Vantus Rune Technique: Chronomatic Anomaly - Fished from Cursed Queenfish at Azsuna. (low chance)
I hope you liked this Legion Inscription leveling guide, congratulations on reaching 100!