This Dragonflight Alchemy leveling guide will show you the fastest way to level your Dragonflight Alchemy skill up from 1 to 100 as inexpensively as possible.
Table of contents
Dragonflight Alchemy Trainers
- Conflago in Valdrakken.
- Srireth in Ohn'ahran Plains.
- Zherrak in The Waking Shores.
- An'timon in The Waking Shores.
New Dragonflight Alchemy features
There are a lot of new stats added to professions in Dragonflight, so here is a quick explanation for some of these.
Recipe Difficulty
Recipe Difficulty shows you how much profession skill is required to make a recipe at the highest quality. You can see your current profession Skill below the Recipe Difficulty stat. Your Skill comes from your base profession skill, specializations, profession equipment, racials, and using high-quality reagents. So, your profession skill can go well above 100.
Item Quality
Every newly crafted piece of equipment has 5 different qualities. Alchemy Flasks and Potions have 3 different qualities.
Basically, if you have higher skill, you can make higher-ilvl gear and higher-quality consumables that give more stat.
Inspiration, Multicraft, Resourcefulness
- Inspiration: Each time you craft something, there is a chance you get Inspired and craft the recipe with some bonus profession skill, so you can basically craft an item with higher quality than you could normally. This stat is only helpful when you craft recipes with higher Recipe Difficulty than your current Skill.
- Resourcefulness: You have a chance to use fewer reagents.
- Multicraft: You have a chance to craft additional items. (doesn't work on crafted gear, only consumables and reagents)
Dragon Isles Alchemy Knowledge
Dragon Isles Alchemy Knowledge points are the "talent points" you can put into your profession specialization to learn new skills, stats, and bonuses.
Shopping List
This is the list of materials needed to get to around 56. There are just too many variables for the 56-100 part.
The quality doesn't matter for leveling. Buy the cheapest.
- 4x
Rousing Frost
- 2x
Rousing Air
- 410x
- 34x
Awakened Frost
- 20x
Awakened Fire
- 1x
Awakened Air
- 1x
Awakened Order
- 1x
Awakened Earth
- 35x
- 15x
- 15x
Bubble Poppy
Leveling Dragonflight Alchemy
Goblin characters have +5 Alchemy skill because of their passive Better Living Through Chemistry, and Kul Tiran characters have +2 from the trait
Jack of All Trades.
Any extra Alchemy skill means recipes stay orange for more points. You can save a lot of gold by doing lower-level recipes for more points.
Alchemist's Lab Bench Location
Most Dragonflight Alchemy recipes require a nearby crafting station.
You can find the Alchemist's Lab Bench near the Alchemy trainer in Valdrakken. There are other stations near the other Alchemy trainers, but I recommend leveling near this one because there is an Auction House nearby, so it's just easier to buy reagents.
1 - 7
2x Refreshing Healing Potion - 4x Rousing Frost, 16x Hochenblume
If you are leveling your profession in Valdrakkenm, you can buy Draconic Vial from Gohfyrr.
7 - 11
2x Aerated Mana Potion - 2x Rousing Air, 16x Hochenblume
11 - 15
Use Reclaim Concoctions on the 10x
Refreshing Healing Potions and 10x
Aerated Mana Potions you just made.
15 - 16
1x Transmute: Awakened Air - 1x Awakened Frost, 1x Awakened Fire
This is to get your first craft bonus, while Transmute: Awakened Air still gives skill points. (you can skip it)
16 - 25
15x Omnium Draconis - 15x Writhebark, 15x Saxifrage, 75x Hochenblume, 15x Bubble Poppy
The recipe will be yellow for the last 5 points, so you might have to make more.
Alchemy Specializations
When you hit 25, you will unlock Specializations. I would suggest having a little bit of a look through the specializations. Spend some time reading through them, then choose which direction you might want to go.
But don't be too hasty with spending points just now unless you have a clear goal of which direction you want to go. The Knowledge points will be the limited commodity you will never get enough of, and you will always want more of. You can continue leveling Alchemy and return to choosing a specialization and spending knowledge points a bit later.
You will need 50 skill points to unlock the second specialization and 75 for the third. 50 is not hard to reach, but it may take a while to level to 75.
25 - 26
1x Primal Convergent - 1x Awakened Earth, 1x Awakened Fire, 1x Awakened Air, 1x Awakened Frost, 1x Awakened Order
This is for the First Craft bonus, but you will also use this in many recipes. This recipe is a lot more expensive than the others, so you can skip this, but I think it's just better to get your first craft bonus while it still gives skill points.
26 - 35
15x Phial of Tepid Versatility - 30x Awakened Frost, 240x Hochenblume
The recipe will be yellow for the last 5 points, so you might have to make more.
35 - 45
18x Writhefire Oil - 18x Awakened Fire, 36x Hochenblume, 18x Writhebark
The recipe will be yellow for the last 5 points, so you might have to make more.
45 - 47
Basic Phial Experimentation and
Basic Potion Experimentation are the source of almost every new potion and flask.
Make one from each to get your First Craft Bonuses:
To make 1x Experimentation, you will need 5x Artisan's Mettle, 2x
Dragon's Alchemical Solution, 1x
Omnium Draconis
The Dragon's Alchemical Solution for the experimentations comes from destroying potions with
Reclaim Concoctions.
Refreshing Healing Potions and
Aerated Mana Potions will probably be the cheapest, but they will give fewer
Dragon's Alchemical Solution than Flasks or Higher level potions.
Discovering Potions and Phials
Discovering Potions and Phials is not that rare. You will usually get at least 1 Discovery if you do 10 Experimentations, but it will get harder to discover potions/flasks once you only have 1 or 2 undiscovered ones left.
Failed Experimentation
Unfortunately, while doing experiments, you will often get a debuff that prevents you from doing more experiments for four hours.
If you got Liquid Courage from experimentation, you can use it to remove the debuff.
47 - 50
Make more Phial or Potions Experimentations until you reach 50.
50 - 56
2x Elemental Potion of Power - 6x Omnium Draconis, 2x Primal Convergent
56 - 65
Make more experimentations or more Elemental Potion of Power.
65 - 100
Your only options to level to 100 will be making Basic Phial Experimentation and
Basic Potion Experimentation. Both of these spells give you skill point up to 100, but you will get skill points much less frequently between 90-100 because both will be green.