Vanilla Blacksmithing Leveling Guide 1-300

This Vanilla Blacksmithing leveling guide will show you the fastest way how to level your Blacksmithing skill up from 1 to 300 as inexpensively as possible.

Professions skills are split between expansions now, you'll have a separate skill bar for each expansion. This guide is for the "Vanilla" Blacksmithing skill in the current retail version of World of Warcraft. I have a separate guide for Classic WoW, so if you are looking for that, visit my Classic WoW Blacksmithing Leveling Guide.

Often the materials are based on a case that you will gain one skill point each craft. This won't happen, so you will have to buy a few extra materials while you are leveling your Blacksmithing.

Table of Contents

Approximate Materials Required for 1-300:

Playing WoW Classic?

Visit my Classic WoW Blacksmithing leveling guide 1-300 if you are looking for the Classic WoW guide. Profession skills are split between expansions in the latest World of Warcraft expansion, you'll have a separate skill bar for each expansion, and you can level them separately. This guide is for the "Vanilla" Blacksmithing skill in Shadowlands.

1 - 90

First, visit any trainer in the main cities of old Azeroth - just ask a guard, and learn Blacksmithing.

Lightforged Draenei characters have +10 Blacksmithing skill because of their passive Forge of Light, and Dark Iron Dwarves have +5 from Mass Production. An extra 5 or 10 Blacksmithing skill means recipes stay orange for 5 or 10 more points, so you can save a lot of gold by doing lower level recipes for a few more points.

Check out my Copper Ore farming guide and Tin Ore farming guide if you have mining, you will get the stones below by mining Copper or Tin.

  • 1 - 25
    25 x Rough Sharpening Stone - 25 x Rough Stone

    This recipe will be yellow for the last 5 points, so you might have to make more.

  • 25 - 65
    50 x Rough Grinding Stone - 100 x Rough Stone

    If you still have some Rough Stone left from farming, or they are really cheap at the Auction House, then you should make this one up to 75.

  • 65 - 75
    16 x Coarse Sharpening Stone - 16 Coarse Stone

    This recipe will be yellow first, then green for the last 3 points, so you might have to make more.

90 - 155

Check out my Copper Ore farming guide and Tin Ore farming guide if you have Mining.

  • 100 - 105
    5-7 x Silver Skeleton Key - 7 Silver Bar, 14 Rough Grinding Stone

    You can skip this part and just make Runed Copper Belt if you don't have any Silver Bar.

  • 125 - 140
    35 x Heavy Grinding Stone - 105 Heavy Stone

    Keep the Heavy Grinding Stones. Make this one up to 150 if Heavy Stone is cheap.

  • 140 - 145
    5 x Rough Bronze Shoulders - 25 Bronze Bar, 5 Coarse Grinding Stone

    If you were lucky with the Heavy Grinding Stones, you are already at 145 and you can skip this part.

155 - 200

Visit my Iron Ore farming guide if you want to farm Iron Ore.

  • 155 - 165
    10 x Green Iron Leggings - 80 Iron Bar, 10 Heavy Grinding Stone, 10 Green Dye

    Green Dye is sold by Tailoring and Leatherworking supply vendors. Just ask a guard in any major city where a Tailoring or Leatherworking trainer is located, and a vendor will be near those trainers.

200 - 260

Check out my Mithril Ore farming guide.

  • 200 - 210
    20 x Solid Sharpening Stone - 20 Solid Stone

    This recipe will be green for the last few points, so you might have to make more or fewer.

  • 250 - 260
    20 x Dense Sharpening Stone - 20 Dense Stone

    This recipe will be green for the last few points, so you might have to make more or fewer.

260 - 300

Visit my Thorium Ore farming guide if you need places for farming Thorium.

  • 290 - 300
    Choose one from the recipes listed below. They both require 12 Thorium Bar, but you need 1 Star Ruby for the Helm and 8 Rugged Leather for the Boots.

    10 x Thorium Boots - 120 Thorium Bar, 80 Rugged Leather


    10 x Thorium Helm - 120 Thorium Bar, 10 Star Ruby

I hope you liked this Blacksmithing leveling guide, congratulations on reaching 300!

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