I made this Oxxein Ore farming guide to help out players who want to farm the ores instead of buying them from the Auction House. This guide will show you the best routes for farming Oxxein Ore.
There are no ore ranks in Shadowlands, so the only thing that will affect how many ores you mine is your mining skill. You can farm Oxxein Ore with Shadowlands Mining skill 1, but you will get more ores with higher mining skill.
Farming Tips
Below you will find a few tips that will help you mine ores faster.
Unfortunately, there are no new Stirrups or Leather Barding recipes in Shadowlands, so gathering ores will be a lot harder.
How to avoid getting dismounted
One of the most annoying things in WoW is getting Dazed. Every mob has a chance to daze you when they are in hitting you from behind, but there are two ways to prevent getting dazed.
- If your class has a tanking spec, you can switch to that while farming. Tanks are immune to daze, so you will never get dismounted.
- Equipping a
Comfortable Rider's Barding in your mount equipment slot prevents you from being dazed while mounted. (doesn't work with druid forms)
Shadowlands Gathering Enchant
You can enchant your gloves with Enchant Gloves - Shadowlands Gathering to increase the speed of gathering in the new Shadowlands zones. (works with herbalism and skinning too) This enchant brings mining time down from 3.2 seconds to 1.7 seconds.
Farming Oxxein Ore in Maldraxxus
Oxxein Ore is a zone-specific ore, you can only mine it in Maldraxxus.
Below you will find the two farming routes that I use for farming. There is not that much difference between the two, I personally prefer route 1 because it's a bit shorter.
You will have to fight mobs on both routes, but with some practice, you can usually get most mining nodes with aggroing only a few mobs, or nothing at all.
Route 1

Route 2